Are you designing Social Media posts the right way? If you aren’t quite sure, here are 7 tips on how to design posts for each of your social channels. Remember what we shared on our last blog post (8 Things You Should Be Measuring On Social Media): online audiences are using social channels based on format rather than content, which means that people are more interested on how we’re delivering a message rather than what that message is saying. So, here are 7 tips on how to create engaging, sharable posts:


1. Text. Facebook has become stricter about what you can post on the platform and has narrowed the amount of text you can add to a post Only 20% of the image can have text if you want to promote it and reach a larger audience. Having a small amount of text also makes posts easy to read and people won’t miss your message.

Bottom line is, people don’t like to spend too much time reading…

Post by Asylum Marketing for SUBWAY® Caribbean

2. Social Brand Equity. Your social brand equity is the value attributed to your brand based on your follower’s evaluation online. If your brand has an online profile, you should develop a social voice to communicate with your audience on a personal level, and find the right graphic representation of your brand to design posts. Create sharable content that people can relate to since “socail marketing is about moments, not about brands.”*

*Quote by David Uribe

Post by Asylum Marketing for Charmin Mexico

3. Branding. Your posts should always be branded. Add your company’s logo and colors in a subtle way, or as secondary part of your posts. The logos should be clear and quick to understand. Remember that the whole design is more important than the added logo!

4. Composition. When you are designing a post remember these words:

  • Easy & Simple: Don’t make your designs too complex, simple and straight to the point designs work much better online.
  • Fonts: Limit the amount of text and fonts you add to your designs, don’t overwhelm the post with many fonts. We recommend to use only 2 or 3 fonts, and if you’re adding a logo that counts as a font!
  • Colorful: Use attractive, bright colors that compliments each other and break free from traditional media. Use your brand’s colors to create social brand equity: for example, by adding a margin to your posts.
  • Daring: Take your brand out of its comfort zone and create crafty, practical posts. Don’t be afraid to try new things and be creative. Meme are a great example of how a daring and “out of the box” idea worked so well and became extremely popular.

Going back to point number one, only add 20% of text to your posts, and pay attention to what your audience is sharing online to create content that they will also share.

5. Trending Tendencies. Trends are constantly changing and so should you. Keep up with popular tendencies to attract followers and remain relevant. Today we see that icons, illustrations and image manipulations (combining photography with design) are trending on Social Media.

6. Syndication. Be original! Don’t copy or syndicate existing content everyone can find on the Internet. It is essential to think, create and publish original content.

7. Optimization. Understand that each channel serves its own purpose and people react differently to content published on each social platform. That being said, you should optimize your posts for each channel in terms of sizes, formats, texts, and shapes.



  • Profile Picture: 160 x 160 pixels minimum
  • Cover Photo: 851 x 315 pixels minimum
  • Shape of Post: Squared
  • Formats: JPG, GIF and PNG (No animated GIF)

Here is a helpful link to measure the percentage of text on your posts.


  • Profile Picture: 400 x 400 pixels minimum
  • Cover Photo: 1500 x 500 pixels minimum
  • Formats: JPG, GIF and PNG (No animated GIF)

Note: You can enlarge the size of the images proportionallyto get better image resolution, and always leave a margin around your posts so the design does not get cut off.


What are some of the best posts you have published? Let us knoe if you have any questions and how we can help you create your best social media posts.